That's a mantra we keep telling ourselves, we see it in the media, hear it from our friends, when we venture out. What a strange time our world is in. We have all had to make changes we never expected. We've had to be flexible in ways we never imagined possible. But you know what? We're doing it!
Our team at Keystone has shown amazing resourcefulness, resilience, and strength in the times of COVID-19. We are doing our best to help bridge the gap between the students at home and the Montessori environment. We are currently working on some pretty cool ways to keep the Keystone community together, and we can't wait to share them with you.
Know that we miss you, and we look forward to hearing from the children, the parents, and all our awesome Keystone community while we are apart. We will come out of this on the other side, and, according to our awesome head of school, Vicki Shea, we will have one doozy of a party when we reunite! #GoKeystone !